On 7/9/2013 5:43 AM, Ranjith Venkatesan wrote:
> I am new to solr. Currently i m using Solr-4.3.0. I had setup a solrcloud
> setup in 3 machines. If I kill a node running in any of the machine using
> "/kill -9/", status of the killed node is not updating immediately in web
> console of solr. I takes hardly /20+ mins/ to mark that as "Gone" node. 
> My question is
> 1. Why does it takes so much time to update the status of the inactive node.
> 2. And if the leader node itself is killed means, i cant able to use the
> service till the status of the node gets updated.

As Mark said, something is very wrong if it takes 20 minutes for the
cloud state to update.

I'm wondering why you have done a kill -9 to stop Solr?  If running a
stop command (or a standard SIGTERM) doesn't properly shut the process
down, then you may have some other underlying operating system issue
that needs to be solved, and could be causing the node status problem.


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