On 7/9/2013 2:02 PM, Andy Lester wrote:
What error do you get? Never say "I get an error." Always say "I get this error: ________."

This is the actual error when trying "*:*" :

Can't locate object method "_struct_" via package "WebService::Solr::Query" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/WebService/Solr/Query.pm line 37.

  If I try to build
some other query besides *:* to request all documents, the script runs,
but the query doesn't do what I asked it to do.
What DOES it do?

If I change the query line to this:

my $query = WebService::Solr::Query->new({tag_id => '[* TO *]'});

With this, numFound is zero. The tag_id field is my uniqueKey, and is a StrField. When I use Dumper to print out the actual response from this query, it contains the following info:

'q' => '(tag_id:"\\[\\* TO \\*\\]")',

I didn't ask for a phrase search (the quotes) or for escaping on the special query characters. By automatically doing this, it makes complex queries like ranges impossible. Is there something else that should be done for more complex queries?


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