On 7/10/2013 6:34 PM, dboychuck wrote:
> I'm having trouble with solrj generating a query like &q=kohler%5C+k for the
> search term 'Kohler k'
> I am using Solr 4.3 in cloud mode. When I remove the %5C everything is fine.
> I'm not sure why the %5C is being added when I call
> solrQuery.setQuery('Kohler k');
> Any help is appreciated.

%5C is a backslash.  In order for a space to be a literal part of a
query string and not a tokenization point, it must be escaped, and the
character for doing that is a backslash.

I would not have expected this to be added, though.  I am in the process
of building a test app to try this.  Can you use http://apaste.info to
share more of your solrj code?  I should also be on IRC momentarily.


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