: to use "Document Entity" in schema.xml, I get this exception :
: java.lang.RuntimeException: schema fieldtype
: string(org.apache.solr.schema.StrField) invalid
: arguments:{xml:base=solrres:/commonschema_types.xml}

Elodie can you please open a bug in jira for this with your specific 
example?  please note in the Jira your comment that it works in Solr 4.2.1 
but fails in later versions (if you could test with 4.3 and the newly 
voted 4.4 that would be helpful.)

: The same error appears in this bug (fixed ?):
: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3087

That issue was specific to xinclude, not document entities, so it's 
possible the fix applied there did not affect/fix document entities -- but 
since you mentioned that you see document entity includes of 
fieldTypes working in 4.2.1 suggests that it might be a slightly diff 
problem, otherwise i would expect to see it fail as far back as 4.0 just 
like SOLR-3087...

: I also try to use use XML XInclude mechanism
: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XInclude) to include parts of schema.xml.
: When I try to include a fieldType, I get this exception :
: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unknown fieldType 'long' specified

...the issue you linked to before (SOLR-3087) included a specific test to 
ensure that fieldTYpes could be include like this, and that test works -- 
so pehaps in your testing you have some other subtle bug?  what are the 
absolute paths of the various files you are trying to include in one 


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