Thanks for your hint, Jack. Here is the debug results, which I'm having a
hard deciphering (the two terms are "china" and "snowden")...

0.26839527 = (MATCH) sum of:
  0.26839527 = (MATCH) sum of:
    0.26757246 = (MATCH) max of:
      7.9147343E-4 = (MATCH) weight(content:china in 249), product of:
        0.019873314 = queryWeight(content:china), product of:
          1.6649085 = idf(docFreq=46832, maxDocs=91058)
          0.01193658 = queryNorm
        0.039825942 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(content:china in 249), product of:
          4.8989797 = tf(termFreq(content:china)=24)
          1.6649085 = idf(docFreq=46832, maxDocs=91058)
          0.0048828125 = fieldNorm(field=content, doc=249)
      0.26757246 = (MATCH) weight(title:china^10.0 in 249), product of:
        0.5836803 = queryWeight(title:china^10.0), product of:
          10.0 = boost
          4.8898454 = idf(docFreq=1861, maxDocs=91058)
          0.01193658 = queryNorm
        0.45842302 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(title:china in 249), product of:
          1.0 = tf(termFreq(title:china)=1)
          4.8898454 = idf(docFreq=1861, maxDocs=91058)
          0.09375 = fieldNorm(field=title, doc=249)
    8.2282536E-4 = (MATCH) max of:
      8.2282536E-4 = (MATCH) weight(content:snowden in 249), product of:
        0.03407834 = queryWeight(content:snowden), product of:
          2.8549502 = idf(docFreq=14246, maxDocs=91058)
          0.01193658 = queryNorm
        0.024145111 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(content:snowden in 249), product
          1.7320508 = tf(termFreq(content:snowden)=3)
          2.8549502 = idf(docFreq=14246, maxDocs=91058)
          0.0048828125 = fieldNorm(field=content, doc=249)

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:27 PM, Jack Krupansky <>wrote:

> Maybe you're not doing anything wrong - other than having an artificial
> expectation of what the true relevance of your data actually is. Many
> factors go into relevance scoring. You need to look at all aspects of your
> data.
> Maybe your terms don't occur in your titles the way you think they do.
> Maybe you need a boost of 500 or more...
> Lots of potential maybes.
> Relevancy tuning is an art and craft, hardly a science.
> Step one: Know your data, inside and out.
> Use the debugQuery=true parameter on your queries and see how much of the
> score is dominated by your query terms in the non-title fields.
> -- Jack Krupansky
> -----Original Message----- From: Joe Zhang
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: Question about field boost
> Dear Solr experts:
> Here is my query:
> defType=dismax&q=term1+term2&**qf=title^100 content
> Apparently (at least I thought) my intention is to boost the title field.
> While I'm getting some non-trivial results, I'm surprised that the
> documents with both term1 and term2 in title (I know such docs do exist in
> my repository) were not returned (or maybe ranked very low). The situation
> does not change even when I use much larger boost factors.
> What am I doing wrong?

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