
 * you currently have two choices to start Zookeeper: run it embedded
 within Solr, or download it from the ZooKeeper site and start it
 * everything you need to run ZooKeeper (embedded or not) is included
 within the Solr distribution

Assuming I've got the above right, then currently starting an embedded
ZooKeeper is easy (-DzkRun), and starting an ensemble is irritatingly

So, my question is, how hard would it be to start Zookeeper without
Solr, but from within the Solr codebase? -DensembleOnly or some such,
causes Solr not to load, but Zookeeper still starts. I'm assuming that
Jetty would still listen on port 8983, but it wouldn't initialise the
Solr webapp:

java -DzkRun -DzkEnsembleOnly
-DzkHosts=zkhost01:9983,zkhost02:9983,zkhost03:9983 -jar start.jar

Is this possible? If it is, I'm happy to have a go at making it happen.


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