This has been suggested, but so far it's not been implemented
as far as I know.

I'm curious though, how many shards are you dealing with? I
wonder if it would be a better idea to try to figure out _why_
you so often have a slow shard and whether the problem could
be cured with, say, better warming queries on the shards...


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:23 AM, Isaac Hebsh <> wrote:
> Hi!
> When SolrClound executes a query, it creates shard requests, which is sent
> to one replica of each shard. Total QTime is determined by the slowest
> shard response (plus some extra time). [For simplicity, let's assume that
> no stored fields are requested.]
> I suffer from a situation where in every query, some shards are much slower
> than others.
> We might consider a different approach, which sends the shard request to
> *ALL* replicas of each shard. Solr will continue when responses are got
> from at least one replica of each shard.
> Of course, the amount of work that is wasted is big (multiplied by
> replicationFactor), but in my case, there are very few concurrent queries,
> and the most important performance is the qtime. Such a solution might
> improve qtime significantly.
> Did someone tried this before?
> Any tip from where should I start in the code?

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