1> That's hard-coded at present. There's anecdotal evidence that there
     are throughput improvements with larger batch sizes, but no action
2> Yep, all searchers are also re-opened, caches re-warmed, etc.
3> Odd. I'm assuming your Solr3 was master/slave setup? Seeing the
    queries would help diagnose this. Also, did you try to copy/paste
    the configuration from your Solr3 to Solr4? I'd start with the
    Solr4 and copy/paste only the parts needed from your SOlr3 setup.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Joshi, Shital <shital.jo...@gs.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have SolrCloud (4.4.0) cluster (5 shards and 2 replicas) on 10 boxes
> with about 450 mil documents (~90 mil per shard). We're loading 1000 or
> less documents in CSV format every few minutes. In Solr3, with 300 mil
> documents, it used to take 30 seconds to load 1000 documents while in
> Solr4, its taking up to 3 minutes to load 1000 documents. We're using
> custom sharding, we include _shard_=shardid parameter in update command.
> Upon looking Solr4 log files we found that:
> 1.       Documents are added in a batch of 10 records. How do we increase
> this batch size from 10 to 1000 documents?
> 2.      We do hard commit after loading 1000 documents. For every hard
> commit, it refreshes searcher on all nodes. Are all caches also refreshed
> when hard commit happens? We're planning to change to soft commit and do
> auto hard commit every 10-15 minutes.
> 3.      We're not seeing improved query performance compared to Solr3.
> Queries which took 3-5 seconds in Solr3 (300 mil docs) are taking 20
> seconds with Solr4. We think this could be due to frequent hard commits and
> searcher refresh. Do you think when we change to soft commit and increase
> the batch size, we will see better query performance.
> Thanks!

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