Is there a way to find if We have a zookeeper quorum? We can ping individual 
zookeeper and see if it is running, but it would be nice to ping/query one URL 
and check if we have a quorum. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [] 
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: external zookeeper with SolrCloud

On 8/9/2013 11:15 AM, Joshi, Shital wrote:
> Same thing happen. It only works with N/2 + 1 zookeeper instances up.

Got it.

An update came in on the issue that I filed.  This behavior that you're 
seeing is currently by design.

Because this is expected behavior, I've changed the issue to improvement 
instead of a bug.  I don't know if it is something that will happen, but 
the request is in.

The workaround is fairly simple -- don't start or restart Solr nodes if 
you don't have zookeeper quorum.

Thank you for your diligent testing!


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