Use the location_rpt field type in the example schema.xml -- it has "good
performance & less memory" (what you asked for) compared to LatLonType.
To learn how to tweak some of the settings to get better performance at
the expense of some accuracy, see

~ David

On 10/5/13 8:53 AM, "user 01" <> wrote:

>For geospatial search, I need to filter out all points outside of certain
>radius from a certain point. No need for precise results, Approximation
>will work for me! No sorting is required either. I see there are two
>Spatial impls: LatLonType & SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType. But I am
>sure which one should I choose for good performance & less memory?
>(As I said approximations are ok for me. Instead of circle if it gives me
>approx bounding box results then too I will be fine)

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