If you consider what n-grams do this should make sense to you.  Consider the 
following piece of data:

White iPod

If the field is fed through a bigram filter (n-gram with size of 2) the 
resulting token stream would appear as such:

wh hi it te
ip po od

The usual use of n-grams is to match those partial tokens, essentially giving 
you a great deal of power in creating non-wildcard partial matches.  How you 
use this is up to your imagination, but one easy use is in partial matches in 
autosuggest features.

I can't speak for the intent behind the way it's coded, but it makes a great 
deal of sense to me that positional data would be seen as unnecessary since the 
intent of n-grams typically doesn't collide with phrase searches.  If you need 
both behaviors it's far better to use copyField and have one field dedicated to 
standard tokenization and token filters, and another field for n-grams.  

I hope that's useful to you.

On Oct 15, 2013, at 6:14 AM, MC <videm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Could someone explain (or perhaps provide a documentation link) what does the 
> following error mean:
> "field "title_ngram" was indexed without position data; cannot run 
> PhraseQuery"
> I'll do some more searching online, I was just wondering if anyone has 
> encountered this error before, and what the possible solution might be. I've 
> recently upgraded my version of solr from 3.6.0 to 4.5.0, I'm not sure if 
> this has any bearing or not.
> Thanks,
> M

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