*I have a business use case in which i need to use Span Not and
other ordered proximity queries . And they can be nested upto any level
A Boolean inside a ordered query or ordered query inside a Boolean
 . Currently i am thinking of changing the QuerParser.jj file to identify
the SpanNot query and use Complex Phrase Query Parser of Lucene for parsing
complex queries . Can you suggest better way of achieving this.*

*Following are the list of additions that i need to do in SOLR.*

*1. Span NOT Operator*  .

2.Adding Recursive and Range Proximity

      *Recursive Proximity *is a proximity query within a proximity query

Ex:   “ “income tax”~5   statement” ~4  The recursion can be up to any

    * Range Proximity*: Currently we can only define number as a range we
want interval as a range .

Ex: “profit income”~3,5    ,  “United America”~-5,4

3. Complex  Queries

A complex query is a query formed with a combination of Boolean operators
or proximity queries or range queries or any possible combination of these.

Ex:    “(income AND tax) statement”~4

          “ “income tax”~4  (statement OR period) ”~3

          (“ income” SPAN NOT  “income tax” ) source ~3,5

 Can anyone suggest us some way of achieving these 3 functionalities in SOLR

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 10:15 PM, Jack Krupansky <j...@basetechnology.com>wrote:

> Nope. But the LucidWorks Search product query parser does support SpanNot
> if you use their BEFORE, AFTER, and NEAR span operators.
> See:
> http://docs.lucidworks.com/**display/lweug/Proximity+**Operations<http://docs.lucidworks.com/display/lweug/Proximity+Operations>
> For example: "George BEFORE:2 Bush NOT H" to match George <anything> Bush,
> but not George H. W. Bush.
> What is your specific use case?
> -- Jack Krupansky
> -----Original Message----- From: Ankit Kumar
> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 3:58 AM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Span Not Queries
> I need to add Span Not queries in solr . Ther's a parser Surround Query
> Parser  i went through this (
> http://lucene.472066.n3.**nabble.com/Surround-query-**
> parser-not-working-td4075066.**html<http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Surround-query-parser-not-working-td4075066.html>
> )
> to discover that surround query parser does not analyze text
> Does DisMaxQueryParser supports SpanNot Queries ??

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