On Fri, 2013-10-18 at 18:30 +0200, Lemke, Michael SZ/HZA-ZSW wrote:
> Toke Eskildsen [mailto:t...@statsbiblioteket.dk] wrote:
> > Unfortunately the enum-solution is normally quite slow when there
> > are enough unique values to trigger the "too many > values"-exception.
> > [...]
> [...] And yes, the fc method was terribly slow in a case where it did
> work.  Something like 20 minutes whereas enum returned within a few
> seconds.

Err.. What? That sounds _very_ strange. You have millions of unique
values so fc should be a lot faster than enum, not the other way around.

I assume the 20 minutes was for the first call. How fast does subsequent
calls return for fc?

Maybe you could provide some approximate numbers?

- Documents in your index
- Unique values in the CONTENT field
- Hits are returned from a typical query
- Xmx

Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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