I did a full-import again. That solved the issue. I didn't know that the stopwords apply on the indexing itself too.

Thanks a lot,


Am 21.10.2013 17:13, schrieb Jack Krupansky:
Did you completely reindex your data after emptying the stop words file?

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Stavros Delisavas
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 10:05 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently ("and" treated like "or")

Okay, I emtpied the stopword file. I don't know where the wordlist came
from. I have never seen this and never touched that file. Anyways...
Now my queries do work with one word, like "in" or "to" but the queries
still do not work when I use more than one stopword within one query.
Instead of too many results I now get NO results at all.

What could be the problem?

On 17.10.2013 15:02, Jack Krupansky wrote:
The default Solr stopwords.txt file is empty, so SOMEBODY created that
non-empty stop words file.

The StopFilterFactory token filter in the field type analyzer controls
stop word processing. You can remove that step entirely, or different
field types can reference different stop word files, or some field type
analyzers can use the stop filter and some would not have it. This does
mean that you would have to use different field types for fields that
want different stop word processing.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Stavros Delisavas
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 3:27 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently ("and"
treated like "or")

Thank you,
I found the file with the stopwords and noticed that my local file is
empty (comments only) and the one on my webserver has a big list of
english stopwords. That seems to be the problem.

I think in general it is a good idea to use stopwords for random
searches, but it is not usefull in my special case. Is there a way to
(de)activate stopwords query-wise? Like I would like to ignore stopwords
when searching in titles but I would like to use stopwords when users do
a fulltext-search on whole articles, etc.

Thanks again,

On 17.10.2013 09:13, Upayavira wrote:
Stopwords are small words such as "and", "the" or "is",that we might
choose to exclude from our documents and queries because they are such
common terms. Once you have stripped stop words from your above query,
all that is left is the word "wild", or so is being suggested.

Somewhere in your config, close to solr config.xml, you will find a file
called something like stopwords.txt. Compare these files between your
two systems.


On Thu, Oct 17, 2013, at 07:18 AM, Stavros Delsiavas wrote:
Unfortunatly, I don't really know what stopwords are. I would like it to
not ignore any words of my query.
How/Where can I change this stopwords-behaviour?

Am 16.10.2013 23:45, schrieb Jack Krupansky:
So, the stopwords.txt file is different between the two systems - the
first has stop words but the second does not. Did you expect stop
words to be removed, or not?

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Stavros Delsiavas
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 5:02 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently ("and"
treated like "or")

Okay I understand,

here's the rawquerystring. It was at about line 3000:

<lst name="debug">
 <str name="rawquerystring">title:(into AND the AND wild*)</str>
 <str name="querystring">title:(into AND the AND wild*)</str>
 <str name="parsedquery">+title:wild*</str>
 <str name="parsedquery_toString">+title:wild*</str>

At this place the debug output DOES differ from the one on my local
system. But I don't understand why...
This is the local debug output:

<lst name="debug">
  <str name="rawquerystring">title:(into AND the AND wild*)</str>
  <str name="querystring">title:(into AND the AND wild*)</str>
  <str name="parsedquery">+title:into +title:the +title:wild*</str>
  <str name="parsedquery_toString">+title:into +title:the

Why is that? Any ideas?

Am 16.10.2013 21:03, schrieb Shawn Heisey:
On 10/16/2013 4:46 AM, Stavros Delisavas wrote:
My local solr gives me:

and my webserver this:

I copied only the first few hundret lines (of more than 8000) because
the webserver output was to big even for pastebin.

On 16.10.2013 12:27, Erik Hatcher wrote:
What does the debug output say from debugQuery=true say between the
What's really needed here is the first part of the <debug> section,
which has rawquerystring, querystring, parsedquery, and
parsedquery_toString.  The info from your local solr has this part,
what you pasted from the webserver one didn't include those parts,
because it's further down than the first few hundred lines.


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