
I am trying to imagine what would a new, fresh, Solr client library look
like. There has been a number of features added to Solr recently, so some
of the older libraries do not necessarily support them as well (e.g.
multi-collections, soft commits, multiple handler end-points, schema
auto-discovery, etc).
 If one were to write a new client, what would a useful version 1 would
look like for modern Solr? At the moment, I am not talking of a specific
implementation language. Stil, if you have any thoughts on that, they are
welcome too.

My own thought center around two directions that a library would need to
1) Indexing on the backend
2) Middle-layers between the website and Solr doing some sort of query
security, enhancement, normalization, etc

Any thoughts?

Personal website: http://www.outerthoughts.com/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrerafalovitch
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at
once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD book)

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