Dave, that's the exact symptoms we all have had in SOLR-5402.  After many 
attempted fixes (including upgrading jetty, switching to tomcat, messing with 
buffer settings) my solution was to fall back to 4.4 and await a fix.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Seltzer" <dselt...@tveyes.com>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 9:48:46 PM
Subject: Problems bulk adding documents to Solr Cloud in 4.5.1


I'm having quite a bit of trouble indexing content in Solr Cloud. I build a
content indexer on top of the REST API designed to index my data quickly.
It was working very well indexing about 100 documents per "<add>"

After some tweaking of the schema I switched on a few more servers. Set up
a few shards and started indexing data. Everything was working perfectly,
but as soon as I switched to "Cloud" I started getting
RemoteServerExceptions "Illegal to have multiple roots."

I'm using the stock Jetty container on both servers.

To get things working I reduced the number of documents per add until it
worked. Unfortunately that has limited me to adding a single document per
add - which is quite slow.

I'm fairly sure it's not the size of the HTTP post because things were
working just fine until I moved over to Solr Cloud.

Does anyone have any information about this problem? It sounds a lot like
Sai Gadde's https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-5402

Thanks so much!


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