How real time is NRT? In particular, what are you commit settings?

And can you characterize "periodic slowness"? Queries that usually
take 500ms not tail 10s? Or 1s? How often? How are you measuring?

Details matter, a lot...


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Dave Seltzer <> wrote:

> I'm doing some performance testing against an 8-node Solr cloud cluster,
> and I'm noticing some periodic slowness.
> I'm doing random test searches against an Alias Collection made up of four
> smaller (monthly) collections. Like this:
> MasterCollection
> |- Collection201308
> |- Collection201309
> |- Collection201310
> |- Collection201311
> The last collection is constantly updated. New documents are being added at
> the rate of about 3 documents per second.
> I believe the slowness may due be to NRT, but I'm not sure. How should I
> investigate this?
> If the slowness is related to NRT, how can I alleviate the issue without
> disabling NRT?
> Thanks Much!
> -Dave

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