Hi Robert,

That was the idea, dynamic fields, so, as you said, it is easier to sort
and filter. Besides, having dynamic fields it would be easier to add new
stores, as I wouldn't have to modify the schema :)

Thanks for the answer!

2013/11/21 Petersen, Robert <robert.peter...@mail.rakuten.com>

> Hi,
> I'd go with (2) also but using dynamic fields so you don't have to define
> all the storeX_price fields in your schema but rather just one *_price
> field.  Then when you filter on store:store1 you'd know to sort with
> store1_price and so forth for units.  That should be pretty straightforward.
> Hope that helps,
> Robi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez [mailto:
> amarq...@paradigmatecnologico.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 1:36 AM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Best implementation for multi-price store?
> Hi,
> I've been recently ask to implement an application to search products from
> several stores, each store having different prices and stock for the same
> product.
> So I have products that have the usual fields (name, description, brand,
> etc) and also number of units and price for each store. I must be able to
> filter for a given store and order by stock or price for that store. The
> application should also allow incresing the number of stores, fields
> depending of store and number of products without much work.
> The numbers for the application are more or less 100 stores and 7M
> products.
> I've been thinking of some ways of defining the index structure but I
> don't know wich one is better as I think each one has it's pros and cons.
>    1. *Each product-store as a document:* Denormalizing the information so
>    for every product and store I have a different document. Pros are that I
>    can filter and order without problems and that adding a new
> store-depending
>    field is very easy. Cons are that the index goes from 7M documents to
> 700M
>    and that most of the info is redundant as most of the fields are
> repeated
>    among stores.
>    2. *Each field-store as a field:* For example for price I would have
>    "store1_price, store2_price, ...". Pros are that the index stays at 7M
>    documents, and I can still filter and sort by those fields. Cons are
> that I
>    have to add some logic so if I filter by one store I order for the
>    associated price field, and that number of fields increases as number of
>    store-depending fields x number of stores. I don't know if having more
>    fields affects performance, but adding new store-depending fields will
>    increase the number of fields even more
>    3. *Join:* First time I read about solr joins thought it was the way to
>    go in this case, but after reading a bit more and doing some tests I'm
> not
>    so sure about it... Maybe I've done it wrong but I think it also
>    denormalizes the info (So I will also havee 700M documents) and besides
> I
>    can't order or filter by store fields.
> I must say my preferred option is number 2, so I don't duplicate
> information, I keep a relatively small number of documents and I can filter
> and sort by the store fields. However, my main concern here is I don't know
> if having too many fields in a document will be harmful to performance.
> Which one do you think is the best approach for this application? Is there
> a better approach that I have missed?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez
> Paradigma Tecnológico
> http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
> Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
> 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
> Tel.: 91 352 59 42

Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez

Paradigma Tecnológico
Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Tel.: 91 352 59 42

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