What about using some JSONP techniques since the results in the Solr
instance rest as key/value pairs?

On 11/26/13, 10:53 AM, "Markus Jelsma" <markus.jel...@openindex.io> wrote:

>I don't think you mean client-side proxy. You need a server side layer
>such as a normal web application or good proxy. We use Nginx, it is very
>fast and very feature rich. Its config scripting is usually enough to
>restrict access and limit input parameters. We also use Nginx's embedded
>Perl and Lua scripting besides its config scripting to implement more
>difficult logic.
>-----Original message-----
>> From:Reyes, Mark <mark.re...@bpiedu.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday 26th November 2013 19:27
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Subject: Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0
>> Are there any GOOD client-side solutions to proxy a Solr 4.5.0 instance
>>so that the end-user can see  their queries w/o being able to directly
>>access :8983?
>> Applications/frameworks used:
>> - Solr 4.5.0
>> - AJAX Solr (javascript library)
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
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