Hey guys,

I'm looking into a strange issue on an unhealthy 4.3.1 SolrCloud with 3-node external Zookeeper and 1 collection (2 shards, 2 replicas).

Currently we are noticing inconsistent results from the SolrCloud when performing the same simple /select query many times to our collection. Almost every other query the numFound count (and the returned data) jumps between two very different values.

Initially I suspected a replica in a shard of the collection was inconsistent (and every other request hit that node) and started performing the same /select query direct to the individual cores of the SolrCloud collection on each instance, only to notice the same problem - the count jumps between two very different values!

I may be incorrect here, but I assumed when querying a single core of a SolrCloud collection, the SolrCloud routing is bypassed and I am talking directly to a plain/non-SolrCloud core.

As you can see here, the count for 1 core of my SolrCloud collection fluctuates wildly, and is only receiving updates and no deletes to explain the jumps:

"solrcloud [tvaillancourt@prodapp solr_cloud]$ curl -s 'http://backend:8983/solr/app_shard2_replica2/select?q=*:*&wt=json&rows=0&indent=true'|grep numFound

solrcloud [tvaillancourt@prodapp solr_cloud]$ curl -s 'http://backend:8983/solr/app_shard2_replica2/select?q=*:*&wt=json&rows=0&indent=true'|grep numFound

solrcloud [tvaillancourt@prodapp solr_cloud]$ curl -s 'http://backend:8983/solr/app_shard2_replica2/select?q=*:*&wt=json&rows=0&indent=true'|grep numFound

solrcloud [tvaillancourt@prodapp solr_cloud]$ curl -s 'http://backend:8983/solr/app_shard2_replica2/select?q=*:*&wt=json&rows=0&indent=true'|grep numFound

Could anyone help me understand why the same /select query direct to a single core would return inconsistent, flapping results if there are no deletes issued in my app to cause such jumps? Am I incorrect in my assumption that I am querying the core "directly"?

An interesting observation is when I do an /admin/cores call to see the docCount of the core's index, it does not fluctuate, only the query result.

That was hard to explain, hopefully someone has some insight! :)



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