
I am using SolrCloud 4.6.0 with two shards, two replicas by shard and with two 

collection fr_blue:
- shard1 -> server-01 (replica1), server-01 (replica2)
- shard2 -> server-02 (replica1), server-02 (replica2)

collection fr_green:
- shard1 -> server-01 (replica1), server-01 (replica2)
- shard2 -> server-02 (replica1), server-02 (replica2)

I add documents using solrj CloudSolrServer and using commitWithin feature :
int commitWithinMs = 30000;
SolrServer server = new CloudSolrServer(zkHost);
server.add(doc, commitWithinMs);

When I query an instance,  for 5 indexed documents, the numFound value changes 
for each call, randomly 0,1,4 or 5.
When I query the instances with distrib=false, I have:
- leader shard1: numFound=1
- leader shard2: numFound=4
- replica shard1: numFound=0
- replica shard1: numFound=0

The documents are not commited in the replicas, even after waiting more than 30 

If I force a commit usinghttp://server-01:8080/solr/update/?commit=true, the 
documents are commited in the replicas and numFound=5.
I suppose that the leader forwards the documents to the replica, but they are 
not commited.

Is it a new bug with commitWithin feature for distributed mode ?

This problem does not occur with the version 4.5.1.

Elodie Sannier

Kelkoo SAS
Société par Actions Simplifiée
Au capital de € 4.168.964,30
Siège social : 8, rue du Sentier 75002 Paris
425 093 069 RCS Paris

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