Hi Nagendra,
really cool topic.
I'm really interested in discover more information about the three
similraties algorithm you offer ( Term Similarity, Document Similiraty and
Term In Document Similarity).
I was looking for more details and explanations behind your Ranking
Where could i start ? I'm really curious of the LSA Model used and also low
level algorithm and science applied.
Good work !


2013/12/15 Nagendra Nagarajayya <nnagaraja...@transaxtions.com>

> Hi!
> I am very excited to announce the availability of Solr 4.6 with
> RankingAlgorithm 1.5.2.
> Solr 4.6 with RankingAlgorithm 1.5.2 includes the new algorithm
> complex-lsa. complex-lsa simulates human language acquisition and
> recognition (see demo <http://solr-ra.tgels.org/rankingsearchlsa.jsp>)
> and can retrieve semantically related/hidden relationships between terms,
> sentences, paragraphs, chapters, books, images, etc. Three new
> TERM_DOCUMENT_SIMILARITY enable these with improved precision.
> Solr 4.6 with RankingAlgorithm 1.5.2 also includes realtime-search with
> multiple granularities. realtime-search is very fast NRT and allows you to
> not only lookup a document by id but also allows you to search in realtime,
> see http://tgels.org/realtime-nrt.jsp. The update performance is about
> 70,000 docs / sec. The query performance is in ms, allows you to  query a
> 10m wikipedia index (complete index) in <50 ms.
> RankingAlgorithm 1.5.2 with complex-lsa supports the entire Lucene Query
> Syntax, ą and/or boolean/dismax/glob/regular 
> expression/wildcard/fuzzy/prefix/suffix
> queries with boosting, etc. and is compatible with the new Lucene 4.6 api.
> You can get more information about complex-lsa and realtime-search
> performance from here:
> http://solr-ra.tgels.org/wiki/en/Complex-lsa-demo
> http://solr-ra.tgels.org/wiki/en/Near_Real_Time_Search_ver_4.x
> You can download Solr 4.6 with RankingAlgorithm 1.5.2 from here:
> http://solr-ra.tgels.org
> Please download and give the new version a try.
> Regards,
> Nagendra Nagarajayya
> http://solr-ra.tgels.org
> http://elasticsearch-ra.tgels.org
> http://rankingalgorithm.tgels.org
> Note:
> 1. Apache Solr 4.6 with RankingAlgorithm 1.5.2 is an external project.
> 2. realtime-search has been contributed back to Apache Solr, see
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3816


Benedetti Alessandro
Visiting card : http://about.me/alessandro_benedetti

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

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