
First off, I apologize if this was sent twice. I was having issues subscribing 
to the list.

I'm a complete noob in Solr (and indexing), so I'm hoping someone can help me 
figure out how to implement Solr in my project. I have gone through some 
tutorials online and I was able to import and query text in some Arabic PDF 

We have some scans of Historical Handwritten Arabic documents that will have 
text extracted into a database (or PDF). We would like the user to be able to 
search the document for text, then have the scanned image show up in a viewer 
with the text highlighted. I would like to use Solr to index the text in the 
documents, but I'm unsure how to store and get the "word location" in Solr  
(area of text that needs to be highlighted).

Do I index and store the full document in the Solr? How do l link the "search 
term" to the "word location" on the page?
The only way I can figure out how to do this involves querying the database for 
the "word" and "location" after querying Solr for the search term, but is that 
defeating the purpose of using Solr?

I would really appreciate help figuring this out.

Thank you,

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