Look at the StrUtils.splitSmart methods... the first variant treats
quotes specially,
the second variant doesn't (that's the one you probably want).

http://heliosearch.org -- off-heap filters for solr

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> I have a Java question, for a custom update processor I'm developing. It
> takes an input field of the following format:
> field:value;mvfield:value1;mvfield:value2
> With an inner delimiter set to a colon and an outer delimiter set to a
> semicolon, this results in two new fields going into the document. The
> field named 'field' has one value and the field named mvfield has two.
> This code uses the String#split method,  so it can't deal with the
> delimiter characters being escaped with a backslash.
> How can I make the code deal with an escape character (backslash) on the
> two delimiters and the escape character itself? Unless it's absolutely
> necessary or super easy, I do not plan to deal with the full set of regex
> escaped characters.
> I can move this discussion to the development list, but I thought I would
> start here.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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