Hi Ugo,

You can load things from the conf/ directory via SolrResourceLoader, which will 
load either from the filesystem or from zookeeper, depending on whether or not 
you're running in SolrCloud mode.

Alan Woodward

On 24 Jan 2014, at 16:02, Ugo Matrangolo wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm in the process to move our organization search infrastructure to
> SOLR4/SolrCloud. One of the main point is to centralize our cores
> configuration in Zookeeper in order to roll out changes wout redeploying
> all the nodes in our cluster.
> Unfortunately I have some code (custom indexers extending
> org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.EntityProcessorBase) that are assuming
> to load resources from the filesystem and this is now a problem given that
> everything under solr.home/core/conf is hosted in Zookeeper.
> My question is : what is the best way to load a resource from Zookeeper
> using SOLR APIs ??
> Regards,
> Ugo

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