If only availability is your concern, you can always keep a list of servers
to which your C++ clients will send requests, and round robin amongst them.
If one of the servers go down, you will either not be able to reach it or
get a 500+ error in the HTTP response, you can take it out of circulation
(and probably retry in the background with some kind of a ping every minute
or so to these down servers to ascertain if they have come back and then
add them to the list). This is something SolrJ does currently. This doesn't
technically need any Zookeeper interaction.

The biggest benefit that SolrJ provides (since 4.6 I think) though is that
it finds the shard leader to send an update to using ZK and saves a hop.
You can technically do this by retrieving and listening to updates using a
C++ ZK client (available) and doing what SolrJ currently does. This would
be good, the only drawback though, apart from the effort, is that
improvements are still happening in the area of managing clusters and how
its state is saved with ZK. These changes might not break your code, but at
the same time you might not be able to take advantage of them without
additional effort.

An alternative approach is to link SolrJ into your C++ client using JNI.
This has the added benefit of using the Javabin format for requests which
would have some performance benefits.

In short, it comes down to what performance requirements are. If indexing
speed and throughput is not that big a deal, just go with having a list of
servers and load balancing amongst the active ones. I would suggest you try
this anyway before second guessing that you do need the optimization.

If not, I would probably try the JNI route,  and if that fails, using a C
ZK client to read the cluster state and using that knowledge to decide
where to send requests.
On 14 Feb 2014 10:58, "neerajp" <neeraj_star2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am using Solr for indexing my data. My client is in C++. So I make Curl
> request to Solr server for indexing.
> Now, I want to use indexing in SolrCloud mode using ZooKeeper for HA.  I
> read the wiki link of SolrCloud (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloud).
> What I understand from wiki that we should always check solr instance
> status(up & running) in solrCloud before making an update request. Can I
> not
> send update request to zookeeper and let the zookeeper forwards it to
> appropriate replica/leader ? In the later case I need not to worry which
> servers are up and running before making indexing request.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/update-in-SolrCloud-through-C-client-tp4117340.html
> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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