On 3/3/2014 3:30 PM, KNitin wrote:
A quick ping on this. To give more stats, I have 100's of collections on
every node. The time it takes for one collection to boot up /loadonStartup
is around 10-20 seconds ("and sometimes even 1 minute). I do not have any
query auto warming etc. On a per collection basis I load a bunch of
libraries (for custom analyzer plugins) to compute the classpath. That
might be a reason for the high boot up time

   My solrconfig.xml entry is as follows

   <lib dir="/mnt/solr/lib/" regex=".*\.jar" />

  Every core that boots up seems to be loading all jars over and over again.
Is there a way to ask solr to load all jars only once?

Three steps:

1) Get rid of all your <lib> directives in solrconfig.xml entirely.
2) Copy all the extra jars that you need into ${solr.solr.home}/lib.
3) Remove any "sharedLib" parameter from your solr.xml file.

Step 3 is required because you are on 4.3.1 (or later if you have already upgraded).

The final comment on the following issue summarizes issues that I ran into while migrating this approach from 4.2.1 to later releases:



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