: Would that work, and if so how would I know that the cache is being hit?

It should work -- filters are evaluated independently, so the fact that 
you are using all of them in query query (vs all of them in individual 
queries) won't change anything as far as the filterCache goes.

You can prove that it works by looking at the cache stats (available 
from the Admin UI) after opening a new searcher and verifying that they 
are all in the new caches.  you can also then do a query for soemthing 
like "q=foo&fq=State:AK" and reload the cache stats and see a "hit" on 
your filterCcahe.

: Or do I need to use the following traditional syntax instead:

The only reason to break them all out like that is if you in addition to 
populating the *filterCache* you also want to populate the 
*queryResultCache* with ~50 queries for "*:*" each with a different "fq" 


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