Hello Team,

I am trying to index meta data of html pages, my setup is Nutch 2.2.1 and
Solr 4.7.0

I can confirm Nutch is parsing meta tags and feed data to index on Solr.
But I am unable to see meta tags when I query data.

schema.xml configuration I've done,

To accept indexing meta tags I've define dynamic filed on solr, schema.xml
as follows,
<dynamicField name="meta_*" type="string" stored="true" indexed="true"/>

Probably, mata tags are getting indexing on Solr but not available for
querying, Is there any way to check/debug  meta tags are actually indexed
on Solr or not ?
Please note that only search field is default text and I've tried with copy
field as bellow but no luck

<copyField source="meta_*" dest="text"/> also
<copyField source="metatag.keywords" dest="text"/> since metatag.keywords
is one of the meta tag extracted from nutch.

Appreciate community help on this. Thanks


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