"In older versions it might have done them all at once, but I believe
that newer versions only do one core at a time."

It looks like it did it all at once and I'm on the latest (4.7)

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Software Dev
<static.void....@gmail.com> wrote:
> So its generally a bad idea to optimize I gather?
> - In older versions it might have done them all at once, but I believe
> that newer versions only do one core at a time.
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:
>> On 3/25/2014 11:59 AM, Software Dev wrote:
>>> Ehh.. found out the hard way. I optimized the collection on 1 machine
>>> and when it was completed it replicated to the others and took my
>>> cluster down. Shitty
>> It doesn't get replicated -- each core in the collection will be optimized.
>> In older versions it might have done them all at once, but I believe that
>> newer versions only do one core at a time.
>> Doing an optimize on a Solr core results in a LOT of I/O. If your Solr
>> install is having performance issues, that will push it over the edge.  When
>> SolrCloud ends up with a performance problem in one place, they tend to
>> multiply and cause MORE problems.  It can get bad enough that the whole
>> cluster goes down because it's trying to do a recovery on every node.  For
>> that reason, it's extremely important that you have enough system resources
>> available across your cloud (RAM in particular) to avoid performance issues.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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