Consider DataStax Enterprise - a true real-time database with rich search (Cassandra plus Solr).

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Software Dev
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:11 PM
Subject: What are my options?

We have a collection named "items". These are simply products that we
sell. A large part of our scoring involves boosting on certain metrics
for each product (amount sold, total GMS, ratings, etc). Some of these
metrics are actually split across multiple tables.

We are currently re-indexing the complete document anytime any of
these values changes. I'm wondering if there is a better way?

Some ideas:

1) Partial update the document. Is this even possible?
2) Add a parent-child relationship on Item and its metrics?
3) Dump all metrics to a file and use that as it changes throughout
the day? I forgot the actual component that does it. Either way, can
it handle multiple values?
4) Something else?

I appreciate any feedback. Thanks

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