
In the Solr CoreAdmin CREATE action you have the ability to define arbitrary 
properties by defining propery.[name] = value, this works well in both Solr 3.x 
and Solr 4.x. To change a property value on a core in Solr 3.x you could run 
the CREATE command again and this would overwrite the value. In Solr 4.x you 
get a error saying core exitst (make sense) but I can’t see a way of update the 
properties values via a url without unloading and re creating the core (which 
is not great a this could cause a outage on the live system).

I tried adding the propery.[name] = value as a part of the RELOAD action but 
that was ignored. 

Any ideas? If not I will create a patch for RELOAD to support this 


David Stuart
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