On 5/9/2014 9:16 AM, O. Olson wrote:
> I have a Data Schema which is Hierarchical i.e. I have an Entity and a number
> of attributes. For a small subset of the Data - about 300 MB, I can do the
> import with 3 GB memory. Now with the entire 4 GB Dataset, I find I cannot
> do the import with 9 GB of memory. 
> I am using the SqlEntityProcessor as below: 
> <dataConfig>
>     <dataSource driver="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
> url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\MSSQLSERVER;databaseName=SolrDB;user=solrusr;password=solrusr;"/>

Upgrade your JDBC driver to 1.2 or later, or turn on response buffering.
 The following URL has this information.  It's a very long URL, so if
your mail client wraps it, you may not be able to click on it properly:



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