On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Jean-Sebastien Vachon
<jean-sebastien.vac...@wantedanalytics.com> wrote:
> I spent some time today playing around with subfacets and facets functions 
> now available in helios search 0.05 and I have some concerns... They look 
> very promising .

Thanks, glad for the feedback!

> the response looks good except for one little thing... the mincount is not 
> respected whenever I specify the facet.stat parameter. Removing it will cause 
> the mincount to be respected but then I need this parameter.

Right, the mincount parameter is not yet implemented.   Hopefully soon!

>         {
>           "val":1133,
>           "unique(job_id)":0, <== what is this?
>           "count":0},
>                 .... Many zero entries following...
> I was wondering where the extra entries were coming from... the position_id = 
> 1133 above is not even a match for my query (its title is "Audit Consultant")
> I`ve also noticed a similar behaviour when using subfacets. It looks like the 
> number of items returned always match the "facet.limit" parameter.
> If not enough values are present for a given entry then the bucket is filled 
> with documents not matching the original query.

Right... straight Solr faceting will do this too (unless you have a
mincount>0).  We're just looking at terms in the field and we don't
have enough context to know if some 0's make more sense than others to

http://heliosearch.org - facet functions, subfacets, off-heap filters&fieldcache

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