Hi, Solr Developer

  Thanks very much for your timely reply.

1.  I'm sorry, I have made a mistake, the total number of documents is 32 
Million, not 320 Million.
2.  The system memory is large for solr index, OS total has 256G, I set the 
solr tomcat HEAPSIZE="-Xms25G -Xmx100G"

-How many fields are you faceting on?

Reply:  9 fields I facet on.

- How many unique values does your facet fields have (approximately)?

Reply:  3 facet fields have one hundred unique values, other 6 facet fields' 
unique values are between 3 to 15. 

- What is the content of your facets (Strings, numbers?)

Reply:  9 fields are all numbers.

- Which facet.method do you use?

Reply:  Used the default facet.method=fc

And we test this scenario:  If the number of facet fields' unique values is 
less we add facet.method=enum, there is a little to improve performance.

- What is the response time with faceting and a few thousand hits?

Reply:   <result name="response" numFound="2925" start="0">  
       QTime is  <int name="QTime">6</int> 

Best Regards,
Alice Yang
Floor 19,KaiKai Plaza,888,Wanhandu Rd,Shanghai(200042)

-----Original Message-----
From: Toke Eskildsen [mailto:t...@statsbiblioteket.dk]
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 8:08 PM
To: d...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: (Issue) How improve solr facet performance

On Fri, 2014-05-23 at 11:45 +0200, Alice.H.Yang (mis.cnsh04.Newegg)
41493 wrote:
>        We are blocked by solr facet performance when query hits many 
> documents. (about 10,000,000)

[320M documents, immediate response for plain search with 1M hits]

> But when we add several facet.field to do facet ,QTime  increaseto 
> 220ms or more.

It is not clear whether your observation of increased response time is due to 
many hits or faceting in itself.

- How many fields are you faceting on?
- How many unique values does your facet fields have (approximately)?
- What is the content of your facets (Strings, numbers?)
- Which facet.method do you use?
- What is the response time with faceting and a few thousand hits?

> Do you have some advice on how improve the facet performance when hit 
> many documents.

That depends on whether your bottleneck is the hitcount itself, the number of 
unique facet values or something third like I/O.

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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