
I expect you will find many definitions of “proper usage” depending upon 
context and expected results.  Personally,  don’t believe this is Solr’s job to 
enforce, and there are many ways through the use of directives in the servlet 
container layer that can allow restrictions if you feel this is required.

I would recommend considering an abstraction layer if you feel your development 
team may (accidentally) abuse the system they are permitted to use.  I’ve seen 
this employed very well with minimal latency and cost in extremely large 
corporations that have many multiple development teams using the same search 


On Jun 2, 2014, at 3:53 AM, Boon Low <> wrote:

> Thanks for clearing this up. The wiki, being an authoritative reference, 
> needs to be corrected.
> Re. default commit settings. I agree educating developers is very essential. 
> But in reality, you can't rely on this as the sole mechanism for ensuring 
> proper usage of the update API, especially for calls such as "commit", 
> "optimize", "expungeDeletes" which can be very expensive for large indexes on 
> a shared infrastructure.
> The issue is, there's no control mechanism in Solr for update calls (cf. 
> rewriting calls via load-balancer). Once you expose the update handler to the 
> developers, they could send 10 commit/optimise op per min, opening new 
> searchers for each of those calls (openSearcher is only configurable for 
> autocommit). And there is nothing you can do about it in Solr, even as a 
> immediate stopgap while a fix is being implemented for the next sprint.
> It's be good to have some consistency in terms of configuring handlers, i.e. 
> having "default/invariant" settings for both the search and update handlers.
> Thanks,
> Boon
> -----
> Boon Low
> Search Engineer, DCT Family History
> On 29 May 2014, at 18:03, Shawn Heisey 
> <<>> wrote:
> On 5/29/2014 9:21 AM, Boon Low wrote:
> 1. openSearcher (autoCommit)
> According to the Apache Solr reference, "autoCommit/openSearcher" is set to 
> false by default.
> But on Solr v4.8.1, if "openSearcher" is omitted from the autoCommit config, 
> new searchers are opened and warmed post auto-commits. Is this behaviour 
> intended or the wiki wrong?
> I am reasonably certain that the default for openSearcher if it is not
> specified will always be true. My understanding and your actual
> experience says that the documentation is wrong.  Additional note: The
> docs for autoSoftCommit are basically a footnote on autoCommit, which I
> think is a mistake -- it should have its own section, and the docs
> should mention that openSearcher does not apply.
> I think the code confirms this.  From
> protected UpdateHandlerInfo loadUpdatehandlerInfo() {
>   return new UpdateHandlerInfo(get("updateHandler/@class",null),
>           getInt("updateHandler/autoCommit/maxDocs",-1),
>           getInt("updateHandler/autoCommit/maxTime",-1),
>           getBool("updateHandler/autoCommit/openSearcher",true),
>           getInt("updateHandler/commitIntervalLowerBound",-1),
>           getInt("updateHandler/autoSoftCommit/maxDocs",-1),
>           getInt("updateHandler/autoSoftCommit/maxTime",-1),
>           getBool("updateHandler/commitWithin/softCommit",true));
> }
> 2. openSearcher and other default commit settings
> From previous posts, I know it's not possible to disable commits completely 
> in Solr config (without coding). But is there a way to configure the default 
> settings of hard/explicit commits for the update handler? If not it makes 
> sense to have a configuration mechanism. Currently, a simple commit call 
> seems to be hard-wired with the following options:
> .. 
> commit{,optimize=false,openSearcher=true,waitSearcher=true,expungeDeletes=false,softCommit=false,prepareCommit=false}
> There's no server-side option, e.g. to set "openSearcher=false" as default or 
> "invariant" (cf. searchHandler) to prevent new searchers from opening.
> I found that at times it is necessary to have better server- or 
> infrastructure-side controls for update/commits, especially in agile teams. 
> Client/UI developers do not necessarily have complete Solr knowledge. 
> Unintended commits from misbehaving client-side updates may be norm (e.g. 10 
> times per minute!).
> Since you want to handle commits automatically, you'll want to educate
> your developers and tell them that they should never send commits -- let
> Solr handle it.  If the code that talks to Solr is Java and uses SolrJ,
> you might want to consider using forbidden-apis in your project so that
> a build will fail if the commit method gets used.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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