Well, you've omitted information about the most precious resource for
Solr, memory.

That said, this question is impossible to answer in the abstract, see:



On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 3:17 PM, shushuai zhu <ss...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to get some advice to setup a Solr Cloud on a set of powerful 
> machines. The average size of the documents handled by the Solr Cloud is 
> about 0.5 KB, and the number of documents stored in Solr Cloud could reach 
> billions. When indexing, the incoming document rate could be as high as 
> 20k/second; and the major query operations performed on the Cloud are 
> searching, faceting, and some other aggregations. There will NOT be many 
> concurrent queries (replication factor of 2 may be good enough), but some 
> queries could cover big range of documents.
> As an example, I have 8 powerful machines (nodes), and each machine (node) 
> has:
> 16 CPU cores
> 256GB RAM
> 48TB physical disk space
> The Solr Cloud may be setup in following different ways (assuming replication 
> factor is 2):
> 1) 8 shards on 8 Solr servers, total 16 cores (including replicas)
> Each machine (node) holds one Solr server (JVM), and each Solr server has one 
> shard.
> 2) 32 shards on 8 Solr servers, total 64 cores (including replicas)
> Each machine (node) holds one Solr server (JVM), and each Solr server has 4 
> shards.
> 3) 32 shards on 16 Solr servers, total 64 cores (including replicas)
> Each machine (node) holds 2 Solr servers (JVMs), and each Solr server has 2 
> shards.
> 4) 64 shards on 16 Solr servers, total 128 cores (including replicas)
> Each machine (node) holds 2 Solr servers (JVMs), and each Solr server has 4 
> shards.
> 5) 128 shards on 32 Solr servers, total 256 cores (including replicas)
> Each machine (node) holds 4 Solr servers (JVMs), and each Solr server has 4 
> shards.
> Could someone advice which layout is better? Or you have some other better 
> layout? The basic idea is to "divide" a powerful machine to have more Solr 
> Servers and/or more shards. I would like to get some advice about the 
> trade-offs and general guidelines about the division. It would be very 
> helpful if you can advice an example setup for this use case.
> Thanks a lot.
> Shushuai

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