
In my solrcofig.xml I have one Request Handler displaying the results using 
Apache Velocity: 

  <requestHandler name="/products" class="solr.SearchHandler">

And another with regular XML: 
<requestHandler name="/search" 

I am seeing different results when I use these two handlers. 

Search Query: hp|lync  (Or on the URL  q=hp%7Elync)

I see 0 results when I use the first handler (Velocity), but I see many results 
(10’s) with the second handler. I am trying to debug why this problem occurs.  
I am certain the problem is with the first handler, and I would be grateful if 
anyone can help me debug this. I do not know Solr well enough, so a few 
pointers could help. 

1. First, I would like to know if class="solr.SearchHandler" and 
class="org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchHandler" are the same? If no, 
what does "solr.SearchHandler" refer to?

2. Second, I am working with the source of Solr 4.7 (yes, it is  a bit old, but 
I don’t think it is fundamentally changed). I have put log.debug() statements 
in the org.apache.solr.response.VelocityResponseWriter.write() method to verify 
that my query is not getting mangled with the URL encoding, and it is not. So, 
since I am getting different results for the same queries, I am curious to see 
what the core Solr engine is receiving when I run the same query from different 
handlers. Could someone tell me the class which has the core Solr engine that 
is used irrespective of which Request Handler makes the request? I am trying to 
put debug statements into this class to log the value of the query parameter 
that it receives. The results are different, so I think one or more parameters 
are different.

Thank you in advance,
O. O.

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