Hi Shawn,
I've tried to set 4GB heap for Solr and the OOM exception rellay get reduce
and also performance gained.


2014-06-16 0:00 GMT+08:00 Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org>:

> On 6/15/2014 2:54 AM, Floyd Wu wrote:
> > Thank you Alex.
> > I'm doing commit every 100 fiels.
> > Maybe there is a better way to do this job, something like DIH(possible?)
> > Sometimes i have much bigger xml file (2MB) and post to SOLR(jetty
> enabled)
> > may encounter slow or exceed limitation.
> If you are getting OOM exceptions on your Solr server, then you need to
> increase your Java heap size.  I have never seen the "pending too many"
> error that you mentioned at the beginning of the thread, and Google
> didn't turn up anything useful, so I don't know what needs to be done
> for that.  If you can post the entire exception stacktrace for this
> error, perhaps we can figure it out.  We would also need the exact Solr
> version.
> Solr has a default 2MB limit on POST requests.  This can be increased
> with the formdataUploadLimitInKB parameter on the requestDispatcher tag
> in solrconfig.xml -- assuming that you're running 4.1 or later.
> Previous versions required changing the request size in the servlet
> container config, but there was a bug in the example Jetty included in
> 4.0.0 that made it impossible to change the size.
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=397130
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4223
> Regarding the advice to disable the updateLog: I never like to do this,
> but if you are sending a very large number of updates in a single
> request, it might be advisable until indexing is complete, so that Solr
> restart times are not excessive.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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