Plus one to Shawn's method below. I'm using that method in production right now 
and on occasion there's only a small blip of queued queries while the alias is 
in the process of swapping.


On Jun 15, 2014, at 10:36 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 6/14/2014 1:29 PM, Branham, Jeremy [HR] wrote:
>> We are looking to move from legacy master/slave configuration to the cloud 
>> configuration.
>> In the past we have handled rebuilding cores by using a 'live' core and a 
>> core for performing the rebuild on.
>> When a rebuild is complete, we swap the rebuilt core with the live core.
>> Is this still a good way to do offline rebuilding when using cloud?
>> Full re-indexing on our largest index only takes 25 min.
> Walter has already replied, but I have one thing to add:
> "Swapping" does not exist for SolrCloud, but there is a workaround.  It
> is accomplished in SolrCloud through collection aliasing.  What you do
> is create two entire collections.  If your application will use a
> collection named "frobozz" then you might create "frob_0" and "frob_1"
> as the actual collection names.  You have an alias from frobozz to
> frob_0 ... when you want to rebuild, you clear frob_1 and build the new
> collection there.  Then when it's done, you change the alias to point at
> frob_1.
> Note that I am saying collection -- not core.  If your collections are
> distributed, you will not be able to rebuild just one shard, you'll have
> to rebuild the entire thing.
> Aliases can point at multiple collections, but if you want them to work
> for index updates as well as queries, then you need to point them at a
> single collection.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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