----- Original Message ----- 
From: American Council for Kosovo
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:21 PM
Subject: Push for Kosovo independence reaches new low in credibility: Terror
bomb attack in Mitorvica; UNICEF deplores child trafficking; U.N. "mediator"
betrays his anti-Serb bias; additional German intelligence revelations about
criminal activities of Ceku, Thac


Washington, August 30, 2006
Push for Kosovo independence reaches new low in credibility: Terror bomb
attack in Mitorvica; UNICEF deplores child trafficking; U.N. "mediator"
betrays his anti-Serb bias; additional German intelligence revelations about
criminal activities of Ceku, Thaci, Haradinaj

Editorial comment from the American Council for Kosovo: This week may have
marked a new low in the vanishing credibility of the misguided effort to
forcibly and illegally detach the province of Kosovo and Metohija from
democratic Serbia.  Among the key events and revelations:

1.  A terrorist bomb attack on Saturday August 26 in Mitrovica, the largest
Christian Serbian enclave left in Kosovo, left nine people injured,
including a British policeman serving with the international administration
and a pregnant woman from the Netherlands.  KLA leader Hashim "Snake" Thaci
later met with a top U.S. diplomat in Pristina and minimized the
significance of the attack, which is just the latest illustration of the
terrorist and criminality rampant in the province.

2.  UNICEF reports that child trafficking is on the rise in southeast
Europe, particularly in Kosovo, while  "Serbia is a good example how to
prevent child trafficking, because they are eliminating causes which make
the children vulnerable," according to  UNICEF regional director for
southeast Europe, Maria Kalavis. UNICEF's regional director for
South-Eastern Europe noted that the "traffickers themselves are very well
organized, very flexible and very ruthless" -- and, it should be added, in
Kosovo include leading figures in Muslim Albanian administration: Agim Ceku,
Hashim Thaci, and Ramush Haradinaj.

3.  The uproar in Serbia continues in Serbia regarding the biased, even
racist, comment by UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Kosovo Marti
Ahtisaari, to the effect that "the Serbs are guilty as a people" for the
problems of Kosovo.   The comment has provoked wide condemnation from all
sectors of Serbian society, including the government and the Church, for
assignment of ethnic collective blame.  Mr. Ahtisaari's spokesman has sought
to explain that the remark has been "taken out of context."   So what would
be the context -- except that Mr. Ahtisaari let slip his real agenda as a
mediator in supposed negotiations over Kosovo's future?

4.  The German newspaper Berliner Zeitung on August 7 revealed more details
about last year's analysis by the German intelligence service BND
(Bundesnachrichtendienst) regarding the criminal activities of Kosovo's
Muslim Albanian leadership.   Among other revelations: that Ceku, Thaci, and
Haradinaj meet regularly with other crimelords at Pristina's Grand Hotel to
manage their joint criminal operations.
Taken together, these items leave the already threadbare pro-independence
justifications in tatters.  The U.N. mediator stands revealed as an advocate
for conferring state status on a gang of criminals and terrorists posing as
leaders of a responsible civil administration.  Meanwhile, the same
"leaders" -- major figures in the supposedly disbanded "Kosovo Liberation
Army" -- continue management of their criminal enterprises, which include
the trafficking of children for sexual exploitation.  To the extent
feasible, ongoing terrorist attacks simply are ignored or explained away.

The now-complete lack of credibility of the pro-independence agenda is
attracting ever greater attention.  In the short term, this will likely mean
a renewed push for getting a predetermined "final status" through as soon as
possible, to forestall further examination of what really is going on in
Kosovo.  That push will stall, however, as Serbia's democratic government
continues to reject the illegal and immoral demand that Belgrade accede to
the creation of an Islamic rogue state in Kosovo and the eradication of the
remaining Christian Serbs.  Meanwhile, as more people in the relevant
countries, principally the United States, begin to catch on to what is
happening in Kosovo, the supposedly "inevitable" result is looking less and
less likely.

More news and commentary follows:
1.  An August 29, 2006 Accuracy in Media report, "The Real 9/11 Conspiracy"
by Cliff Kincaid.  Kincaid writes: the Clinton Administration was allied
with radical Islam when it waged a war on Serbia and the CIA was ordered to
assist the Kosovo Liberation Army, some of whose members were trained by bin
Laden. That was 1999-two years before 9/11.  One of many stories about such
connections appeared in the Washington Times on May 4, 1999, and was written
by Jerry Seper. It said, "Some members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which
has financed its war effort through the sale of heroin, were trained in
terrorist camps run by international fugitive Osama bin Laden...the KLA
members, embraced by the Clinton administration in NATO's...bombing campaign
to bring Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to the bargaining table, were
trained in secret camps in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and elsewhere,
according to newly obtained intelligence reports...The reports said bin
Laden's organization, known as al-Qaeda, has both trained and financially
supported the KLA. Many border crossings into Kosovo by 'foreign fighters'
also have been documented and include veterans of the militant group Islamic
Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan."  After 9/11, Dollars for
Terror, an important book by Swiss television journalist Richard Labeviere,
explained in detail what was happening and how it had backfired on the U.S.
He presented the thesis that the international Islamic networks linked to
bin Laden were nurtured by elements of the U.S. intelligence community,
especially during the Clinton years.

This is a shocking view, but it puts other developments in perspective, such
as Clinton support for radical Muslims in such places as Kosovo and Bosnia
before that. The book also suggests that Islamic radicals, who were present
in the U.S. in the 1990s and training to fly aircraft, were tolerated
because it was believed that they were going to hit targets in other
countries, not the United States.  In other words, the CIA was actively
assisting the bin Laden network, thinking it would serve U.S. interests.
This background is necessary to consider the revelations about Able Danger,
the secret military intelligence network that had apparent knowledge of the
9/11 hijackers being active in the U.S. Despite congressional hearings on
this matter, much is still not known about Able Danger and who knew what
about the presence of the 9/11 hijackers on American soil. But we do know
that Rep. Curt Weldon, who has done the most in Congress to get to the
bottom of this intriguing story, is being targeted for defeat by a number of
former Clinton Administration officials and former CIA official Mary
McCarthy. They have all contributed to his opponent Joseph Sestak. Do they
have something to hide?  In this context, it is noteworthy that the CIA
issued a January 2000 report that essentially whitewashed the nature of the
KLA and claimed it was pro-American. The  only public release of this
dubious report came through Rep. Elliot Engel, in a posting on the website
of the National Albanian American Council, which supports an Albanian Muslim
takeover of the Serbian province of Kosovo.

2.  An August 20, 2006 Adnkronos International article "Balkans: Chikd
Trafficking on the Rise, UNICEF."  Adnkronos International reports: Child
trafficking in the countries of southeast Europe, particularly in Serbia's
Kosovo province, has been on rise and is reaching worrying proportions, the
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said Wednesday. In a report, Action
to Prevent Child Trafficking in South-Eastern Europe, released in London,
UNICEF stated that said that many children were smuggled from southeast
Europe into west European countries, "to be used in the sex trade, slavery
or for begging".Kalavis praised Serbia's efforts in preventing child
trafficking. "Serbia is a good example how to prevent child trafficking,
because they are eliminating causes which make the children vulnerable,"
Kalavis concluded.

3. Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica's Response to UN special envoy
for Kosovo status talks Martti Ahtisaari's recent comments. Prime Minister
Kostunica stated: Ahtisaari's statement that Serbs are guilty as a nation
was quickly welcomed by the Kosovo Albanians who went along with it and
threw an explosive device on innocent Serbian civilians in Kosovska
Mitrovica.  For this crime, the responsibility rests equally on Albanian
terrorists and representatives of the international community who, by their
doing or non-doing, support and encourage the Albanians.  At the time when
negotiations are taking place in a hope of finding a just and sustainable
solution for the future status of Kosovo & Metohia, it is shocking and of
great concern that Ahtisaari, special UN Envoy, should issue such
statements. His mandate is to facilitate negotiations so that a compromise,
a historically just and legally founded solution would be found. But,
Ahtisaari seems to be doing everything the opposite.

4. A German Express article.  Express reported: Express reports on its front
page that an article published in Berliner Zeitung - based on information by
the German Intelligence Service (BND) -- states that Agim Ceku, Hashim
Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Xhavit Haliti are involved in criminal
activities in Kosovo.  Berliner Zeitung portrays the current situation and
the future of Kosovo as grim, referring to a report developed by the BND in
2005.  Based on this report, Kosovo's senior local and international
politicians are involved in organized crime and have no interest in a
rule-of-law state. The goal of this organized crime network, the BND report
says further, is to turn Kosovo into a "suitable political terrain" for
their criminal activities.  Seen from this perspective, according to the
German newspaper, it will be difficult for the international community to
"create genuine rule of law structures" in Kosovo. Even in the future,
Kosovo "will have a key role as transition point of drugs towards Western

5. An August 29, 2006 Renew America column "Deception, Serbs, Islamic
fascists, and a forgotten warning" by Mary Mostert.  Mostert wrote: Orthodox
Christian Serbs and Jews in Europe were slaughtered by the millions during
the 20th century by Islamic, Christian and atheistic fascists and
communists. Today Orthodox Christians and Jews, as a class or ethnic group,
who survived the 20th century holocaust are portrayed in the media as the
group that is responsible for ALL the problems in the former Yugoslavia or
the Middle East while deceivers and murderers are treated as their
victims.as millions follow self-proclaimed saviors of the media, in European
capitols and the United Nations who proclaim world peace will somehow result
if we only will placate and appease the masters of deceit who blow up their
own children to kill Americans and Jews, behead Serbian monks, burn down
Orthodox Christian Churches, put bombs in pizza parlors to kill teen-ager
while claiming THEY are the ones being mistreated. While NATO and the
European Union has not arrested any of the Islamic fascists in Kosovo who
beheaded a monk and burned down over 150 Serbian churches, they seem to have
convinced even many young Serbs that all will be well if they will only turn
in Serb leaders who are accused of committing a genocide that strangely
never produced dead bodies. Once those leaders are in the Hague, the promise
is membership in the European Union - which is portrayed as the economic
salvation for Serbs.  Can world peace, be found through worldwide deception?
I rather doubt it can.

1.      The Real 9/11 Conspiracy

By Cliff Kincaid

Accuracy in Media - August 29, 2006

The so-called 9/11 Truth Movement, which has been covered extensively by
C-SPAN as well as Al-Jazeera, has confused many Americans and Muslims alike
about the nature of the 9/11 attacks. This movement, which includes
associates of Lyndon LaRouche, who openly supported Saddam Hussein before
the first Gulf war, are telling us that the Bush Administration was really
behind the 9/11 attacks and blamed them on the Arabs so it could go to war
in the Middle East.

Incredibly, polls shows that about one-third of the American people-and
majorities of Muslims in many Arab countries-actually believe this
disinformation. In reality, of course, as extensively documented by
Al-Jazeera itself, Osama bin Laden's international al-Qaeda terrorist
network planned and carried out the suicide hijackings. This information can
be considered reliable because Al-Jazeera has been consistently shown to be
an outlet for al-Qaeda propaganda with sources inside the terror network.
Indeed, its Kabul, Afghanistan, reporter is now in prison because he was
convicted of being an agent of al Qaeda linked to the 9/11 plot.

While the Bush Administration can be criticized for ignoring warnings that
an attack like 9/11 might occur, it is the Clinton Administration which can
be accused of actually facilitating 9/11 by conducting a foreign policy that
promoted the rise of radical Islam.

We have looked at some of this evidence before, in an AIM Report published
shortly after 9/11, but we must take another look because developments over
the years have added to the case against the Clinton Administration.

First, the Clinton Administration was allied with radical Islam when it
waged a war on Serbia and the CIA was ordered to assist the Kosovo
Liberation Army, some of whose members were trained by bin Laden. That was
1999-two years before 9/11.

One of many stories about such connections appeared in the Washington Times
on May 4, 1999, and was written by Jerry Seper. It said, "Some members of
the Kosovo Liberation Army, which has financed its war effort through the
sale of heroin, were trained in terrorist camps run by international
fugitive Osama bin Laden...the KLA members, embraced by the Clinton
administration in NATO's...bombing campaign to bring Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic to the bargaining table, were trained in secret camps in
Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and elsewhere, according to newly obtained
intelligence reports...The reports said bin Laden's organization, known as
al-Qaeda, has both trained and financially supported the KLA. Many border
crossings into Kosovo by 'foreign fighters' also have been documented and
include veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya
and Afghanistan."
After 9/11, Dollars for Terror, an important book by Swiss television
journalist Richard Labeviere, explained in detail what was happening and how
it had backfired on the U.S. He presented the thesis that the international
Islamic networks linked to bin Laden were nurtured by elements of the U.S.
intelligence community, especially during the Clinton years.

This is a shocking view, but it puts other developments in perspective, such
as Clinton support for radical Muslims in such places as Kosovo and Bosnia
before that. The book also suggests that Islamic radicals, who were present
in the U.S. in the 1990s and training to fly aircraft, were tolerated
because it was believed that they were going to hit targets in other
countries, not the United States.
In other words, the CIA was actively assisting the bin Laden network,
thinking it would serve U.S. interests.

This background is necessary to consider the revelations about Able Danger,
the secret military intelligence network that had apparent knowledge of the
9/11 hijackers being active in the U.S. Despite congressional hearings on
this matter, much is still not known about Able Danger and who knew what
about the presence of the 9/11 hijackers on American soil. But we do know
that Rep. Curt Weldon, who has done the most in Congress to get to the
bottom of this intriguing story, is being targeted for defeat by a number of
former Clinton Administration officials and former CIA official Mary
McCarthy. They have all contributed to his opponent Joseph Sestak. Do they
have something to hide?

In this context, it is noteworthy that the CIA issued a January 2000 report
that essentially whitewashed the nature of the KLA and claimed it was
pro-American. The only public release of this dubious report came through
Rep. Elliot Engel, in a posting on the website of the National Albanian
American Council, which supports an Albanian Muslim takeover of the Serbian
province of Kosovo.

That report is an example of how the CIA was corrupted during the Clinton
years. That corruption, of course, was carried forward into the Bush
Administration when a faction of the CIA sent Joe Wilson to Niger,
supposedly to investigate the Iraq-uranium link, and prompted a Justice
Department investigation of the press when it came out in Robert Novak's
column that Wilson's CIA wife had been behind the trip.
The CIA, as AIM has documented, also played a curious role in the aftermath
of the crash of TWA 800, concocting a cartoon for the Clinton Administration
designed to discredit the eyewitnesses who saw a missile hit the plane. An
explosion in the fuel tank was blamed for the crash, despite the eyewitness

But 9/11 was not the first time that the policy had backfired on the U.S. It
was during the Clinton Administration that the Iranian-directed bombing of
Khobar Towers occurred, and, according to former FBI director Louis Freeh,
the Clinton national security apparatus worked long and hard to prevent the
truth from coming out. Freeh wrote, "It soon became clear that Mr. Clinton
and his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, had no interest in
confronting the fact that Iran had blown up the towers." Berger, of course,
would later plead guilty to stealing national security information from the
National Archives on what the Clinton Administration did-or did not do-to
prevent 9/11. Berger was desperate to cover something up.

We also know that, as part of his pro-Muslim campaign in the former
Yugoslavia, Clinton pursued a controversial policy of enlisting Iranian
help. A Senate Republican report confirms that the evidence shows that the
Clinton Administration approved the shipment of Iranian arms to Bosnian
But this isn't all. Questions about a Middle Eastern connection to the
bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City have never been put to
rest. Clinton, however, preferred to blame domestic right-wingers, egged on
by "hate radio." The media went along with his propaganda ploy.

Was 9/11, like Oklahoma City and Khobar Towers, the result of a policy of
cultivating Muslim extremists that backfired in a deadly way?

The Bush Administration was caught off-guard by the events of 9/11, but
President Bush had only himself to blame, having kept on Clinton's CIA
director, George Tenet, whose fingerprints were all over the failed policy.

Tragically, some of the misguided Clinton policies have been continued, such
as the plan to create a Muslim state in Kosovo, to go along with the Muslim
state already established with Iranian help in Bosnia. Bush should reverse
course on that one-and fast.

Adnkronos International - August 30, 2006

London, 30 August (AKI) - Child trafficking in the countries of southeast
Europe, particularly in Serbia's Kosovo province, has been on rise and is
reaching worrying proportions, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
said Wednesday. In a report, Action to Prevent Child Trafficking in
South-Eastern Europe, released in London, UNICEF stated that said that many
children were smuggled from southeast Europe into west European countries,
"to be used in the sex trade, slavery or for begging". It noted that 1.2
million children were trafficked across the world annually, while 246
million kids world-wide were involved in illegal child labour.

"We know that child trafficking within Kosovo borders is on rise," said
UNICEF regional director for southeast Europe, Maria Kalavis. "Children are
being recruited for certain jobs and forms of exploitation," she added.
After visiting Romania, Moldova, Albania and Kosovo, the countries most
frequently named in child trafficking, one of the reports' authors, Mike
Dottridge, said that the trafficking could be fought only by "addressing
root causes of the problem. The traffickers themselves are very well
organized, very flexible and very ruthless, yet the systems that are in
place to deal with them are inflexible and unharmonized," he added.

Kalavis told the BBC it was absurd that UNICEF's presence in Kosovo wasn't
felt more strongly, despite the fact that the province, whose majority
ethnic Albanians demand independence, has been under United Nations control
since 1999. "Kosovo's priorities have been so far the establishment of the
rule of law and the reform of institutions" and we, "as UN agency caring for
children want to point out that this area of protection has been neglected",
said Kalavis.

Kalavis praised Serbia's efforts in preventing child trafficking. "Serbia is
a good example how to prevent child trafficking, because they are
eliminating causes which make the children vulnerable," Kalavis concluded.

3. Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica's Response to UN special envoy
for Kosovo status talks Martti Ahtisaari's recent comments


"Ahtisaari's statement that Serbs are guilty as a nation was quickly
welcomed by the Kosovo Albanians who went along with it and threw an
explosive device on innocent Serbian civilians in Kosovska Mitrovica.

"For this crime, the responsibility rests equally on Albanian terrorists and
representatives of the international community who, by their doing or
non-doing, support and encourage the Albanians.

"At the time when negotiations are taking place in a hope of finding a just
and sustainable solution for the future status of Kosovo & Metohia, it is
shocking and of great concern that Ahtisaari, special UN Envoy, should issue
such statements. His mandate is to facilitate negotiations so that a
compromise, a historically just and legally founded solution would be found.
But, Ahtisaari seems to be doing everything the opposite.

"Several times so far, more or less openly, he suggested that compromise and
negotiations are not necessary because there is only one solution, that
being an independent Kosovo. This solution is in direct confrontation with
the founding principles of international law. His latest explanation is that
Serbs are guilty as a nation. In this manner, he joined the darkest men in
human history who applied the concept of collective guilt on entire peoples.

"Ahtisaari has not only violated the mandate entrusted to him by the UN, he
has also violated international law, democratic values and historical facts.
As seen many times in history, a dangerous precedent cannot be unique and
non-repetitive. What is today endangering Serbia, could very well one day
endanger many other countries and, indeed, the entire world.

"That is precisely the reason why such devastating ideas such as Ahtisaari's
must be given a proper and dignified response by the world's democratic

4. German BND Demonizes Leaders (Express)


Express reports on its front page that an article published in Berliner
Zeitung - based on information by the German Intelligence Service (BND) -- 
states that Agim Ceku, Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Xhavit Haliti are
involved in criminal activities in Kosovo.

Berliner Zeitung portrays the current situation and the future of Kosovo as
grim, referring to a report developed by the BND in 2005.

Based on this report, Kosovo's senior local and international politicians
are involved in organized crime and have no interest in a rule-of-law state.
The goal of this organized crime network, the BND report says further, is to
turn Kosovo into a "suitable political terrain" for their criminal

Seen from this perspective, according to the German newspaper, it will be
difficult for the international community to "create genuine rule of law
structures" in Kosovo. Even in the future, Kosovo "will have a key role as
transition point of drugs towards Western Europe."

These "multifunction persons," as BND refers to these politicians/criminals
as, are using their political leverage to control the underground forces in
order to strengthen their personal interests and create links in politics,
economy and justice. The BND mentioned at least three such "multifunction"
persons; PDK leader Hashim Thaci, PDK senior official Xhavit Haliti and AAK
chief Ramush Haradinaj.  Kosovo's current Prime Minister Agim Ceku,
according to German Intelligence Service, is also linked to criminal
activities of Kosovo Albanian mafia gangs.

According to the BND, Ceku, Thaci and Haliti control Drenica region, and
they regularly meet illegally at the Hotel Grand in Pristina to discuss
their criminal activities.

>From this BND analysis, reports issued by the so-called 'Homeland Security'
a few months ago seem quite serious, concludes Express.

5.      Deception, Serbs, Islamic fascists, and a forgotten warning

By Mary Mostert

Renew America - August 29, 2006


I am not a Serb. I am a garden variety American with ancestors from a
variety of European nations - but no ancestors from Balkan nations. My
interest in the issues involved in the break-up of Yugoslavia has been one
of journalistic curiosity. Why do we never HEAR the Serbian side of any
issue in the media? Where are the Serb spokesmen and historians?

For ten years I've searched for the answers. I have asked Serbs questions
about issues and have primarily gotten puzzled responses from them. Many
have questioned me back: "Why are you telling the truth about Serbs? Are you
really a Serb who has changed your name? Are you married to a Serb?"

Somehow Serbs have maintained their traditional Orthodox Christian beliefs
in spite of a 1000 year conflict with Catholic and Muslim neighbors. They
also have been confronted with about 100 years of conflict with neighbors in
a secular and atheistic 20th Century Europe. When I've asked Serb readers
how come they maintained their faith in Jesus Christ, I've gotten puzzled
and very short responses like: "It's part of the Serbian culture!"

Yet, to me, a curious outsider, there seems to be some sort of deep-seated
cultural memory among the Serbs that they themselves either can't or won't
explain to the outside world. I finally concluded they had managed to
survive hundreds of years of effort to force them to abandon their faith and
adopt the conqueror's faith by teaching it within the walls of their homes
and church to their children, and not talking much to "outsiders."

So, I find young Serbs with a strong feeling of BEING a Serb, but who were
brought up in a communist nation that discounted spirituality. Yet, they
still feel "Serbian" and appear to be returning to their church in spite of
60 years of atheism in their schools.

This seems to be true even among American Serbs - who still maintain a
spiritual understanding that most secular, or even religious, Americans
don't understand. That is why I asked Father Benedict the questions I asked
and appreciated his answers.

Then Genci Sala, who described himself as an "Albanian Islamic Fascist" read
the interview with Father Benedict and angrily challenged me to print the
"TRUTH" - i.e. the Albanian side of the Kosovo issue.

>From a journalistic perspective, that was a golden opportunity. I was
searching for "the real untold story" of the Kosovo situation.

>From a religious history perspective, I thought that Father Benedict's
answers to my questions) and the answers to the same questions by Genci
Sala, gave a good example of the two "sides" of an issue the international
community is about to decide: Is Kosovo really Serbian or Albanian

My first question for Father Benedict was: "Could you briefly tell our
readers what was going on in Kosovo back in 1343 and why King Dusan built
the monastery?"

Father Benedict: "In the XIV century Kosovo was the central part of the
Serbian state and Christian spirituality. Like all rulers of his time (the
Middle Ages), Tsar Dusan also wished to have his own endowment, that is, to
build a monastery in which God would be praised to the end of the time and
in which the name of the founder would be mentioned on Holy Liturgies until
the second arrival of Christ. He did that by founding a place near river
Bistrica, two and a half kilometers away from Prizren."

I was struck by the fact that Father Benedict matter-of-factly stated that
King Dusan built "a monastery in which God would be praised to the end of
the time and in which the name of the founder would be mentioned on Holy
Liturgies until the second arrival of Christ."

For secular Westerners of Europe and American, Islamic Fascists, anarchists,
non-believers and even some Christian opponents of Orthodox Christianity,
Father Benedict's response is meaningless. However, for those who still
believe that Christ WILL return, His Second Coming is at least 663 years
closer than when Holy Archangels Monastery was built. In fact a growing
number of Christians are beginning to talk about the signs of the Latter
Days as described in the Bible in Chapter 24 of Matthew when "nation shall
rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be
famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." That would be
"the beginning of sorrows" when "they deliver you up to be afflicted, and
shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake."
That seems to describe the Serbs and the Jews these days. They are, indeed,
hated of all nations.

However, non-believers, such as Genci Sala, scolded me for even asking the
question. Sala wrote:

Sala:"Question 1 is wrongly formulated, and very biased in an answer
expectation. King Dushan never built any monasteries in Kosova. If he built
any, then, never, and I repeat, never would it be the monastery mentioned

"If you had at least the minimal historical education, you should have been
well aware of the fact that Serbs weren't even close to Kosova at the time
we're arguing."

What actual international difference does it make which of these two people
is telling this American journalist the truth? Well, it is the crux of the
problem as defined today in International politics upon which an entire
region's future appears to rest. Who actually BUILT all those churches and
monasteries in Kosovo? Sala urged me to read an "independent source."
Meaning, of course, an Albanian source.

Since I've been doing just that for several years, that wasn't a difficult
assignment. As recently as 2004 Holy Archangels Monastery was attacked and
burned by " a large mob of Albanians approaching the monastery itself and
chanting KLA, KLA. Why? Sala doesn't tell us. .

So, what DO "independent sources" tell us about this area in the past
500-663 years? For over 500 years Kosovo was controlled by neither Serbs nor
Albanians, but by the Ottoman Turks who kept census records. Who was living
in Kosovo when Holy Archangels was built according to archeological and
historic records? It was not the Albanians. A Turkish cadastral tax census
in 1455 showed: about 80% of present-day Kosovo had 480 villages, 13,693
adult males, 12,985 dwellings, 14,087 household.. By ethnicity the
population was listed:

1. 12,985 Serbian dwellings present in all 480 villages and towns
2. 75 Vlach dwellings in 34 villages
3. 46 Albanian dwellings in 23 villages
4. 17 Bulgarian dwellings in 10 villages
5. 5 Greek dwellings in LauĊĦa, Vucitrn
6. 1 Jewish dwelling in Vucitrn
7. 1 Croat dwelling

The best independent testimony available as to WHO originally populated
Kosovo and who actually BUILT all those churches and monasteries can be
found in the actual government records of the occupying Ottoman Turkish
empire. Those records support Serbian written history.

Other independent records and research are from archeologists such as James
R. Wiseman of Boston University in Massachusetts. His archeological studies
support Serbian, not Albanian, claims concerning the history of Kosovo.. The
only Albanian archeological evidence found so far in Kosovo go back only to
the 19th century.

Another independent source is a map provided by the US Central Intelligence
Agency which shows the boundaries of Kosovo from 1196 AD to the present.

Orthodox Christian Serbs and Jews in Europe were slaughtered by the millions
during the 20th century by Islamic, Christian and atheistic fascists and
communists. Today Orthodox Christians and Jews, as a class or ethnic group,
who survived the 20th century holocaust are portrayed in the media as the
group that is responsible for ALL the problems in the former Yugoslavia or
the Middle East while deceivers and murderers are treated as their victims.
The Kosovo Liberation Army was going door-to-door in Kosovo in 1999 ordering
Albanians to flee - and then telling the world media the Serbs under the
command of Slobodan Milosevic were driving them out.

On Mt. Olivet nearly 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was asked by his disciples
when he would come again to earth. Jesus didn't tell them when, but did warn
them to look for the signs of his coming and to "Take heed that no man
deceive you." For more than a century most of the world seems to have
followed one or another self-proclaimed fascist, communist or religious
deceivers who have claimed they are the saviors who can bring peace to the

We are seeing this deception again in the 21s century as millions follow
self-proclaimed saviors of the media, in European capitols and the United
Nations who proclaim world peace will somehow result if we only will placate
and appease the masters of deceit who blow up their own children to kill
Americans and Jews, behead Serbian monks, burn down Orthodox Christian
Churches, put bombs in pizza parlors to kill teen-ager while claiming THEY
are the ones being mistreated. While NATO and the European Union has not
arrested any of the Islamic fascists in Kosovo who beheaded a monk and
burned down over 150 Serbian churches, they seem to have convinced even many
young Serbs that all will be well if they will only turn in Serb leaders who
are accused of committing a genocide that strangely never produced dead
bodies. Once those leaders are in the Hague, the promise is membership in
the European Union - which is portrayed as the economic salvation for Serbs.

Can world peace, be found through worldwide deception? I rather doubt it

The American Council for Kosovo is an activity of Venable LLP and Global
Strategic Communications Group, which are registered under the Foreign
Agents Registration Act as agents for the Serbian National Council of Kosovo
and Metohija. Additional information with respect to this matter is on file
with the Foreign Agents Registration Unit of the Department of Justice in
Washington DC.

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