Letter by William Dorixh to the Los Angeles Times regarding their editorial 
yesterday about Srebrenica. 

Letter to the Editor
Los Angeles Times
Dear Editor:
Srebrenica is a myth; no hard evidence exists that "8,000 Muslims were lined up 
and executed" as the Times editorial suggests.  The 1,200 recovered bodies’ 
reveals that more than half were killed in pitched battles. The Times, like 
Goebbels, 'tells this lie a hundred times' in your effort to fabricate history.
During the Holocaust Croatians put to death nearly one million Serbs, 70,000 
Jews and 80,000 Roma at the Jasenovac Concentration Camp. The Times called this 
“ancient history,” insulting those of us who lost relatives and family in that 
genocide for which NO ONE was brought to justice.
In the 1990s when 97 Serbian churches were destroyed in Croatia and the entire 
Serbian population was ethnically cleansed and 9,000 Serbs were killed, this 
genocide was applauded by the Times and Carol Williams. Franjo Tudjman, the 
late president of Croatia said he was, “Grateful his wife is neither a Serb nor 
a Jew.” The Times never demanded an apology instead you supported his racist 
and bigoted regime.
In Bosnia over 500,000 Serbs were cleansed and 20,000 killed along with 220 
Christian Serbian churches destroyed. Evidence today clearly reveals that many 
crimes attributed to the Serbs by the Times were perpetrated by Muslims against 
their own people to gain international sympathy, yet no apologize is demanded. 
In Kosovo in the past 9 years since the end of US bombing over 150 ancient 
Christian churches have been razed and 20% of the population (the Serbs) have 
been cleansed and thousands of Serbs killed, right under the noses of 17,000 
NATO troops, yet no apology for this ACTUAL GENOCIDE. Instead, the Times 
applauded the amputation of sovereign Serbian territory.
William Dorich
Los Angeles
The writer is the author of 5 books on Balkan history including his 1992 book, 

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