Srebrenitsa Massacre: Genocide of Muslims of Serbs? 

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01.04.2010 Pravda.Ru 

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Serbian Skupshtina criticized massacre of Muslims by Bosnian Serbs in 
Srebrenitsa in 1995. 127 out of 173 members voted for the document. 

The events that took place in this Bosnian town are considered one of the most 
horrifying episodes of Bosnia and Herzegovina war. In the beginning of July, 
soldiers of the army of Bosnian Serbs broke into the city populated by Muslims 
and protected by the UN peacemaking forces. Nearly the entire male population 
of the town was eliminated. 

The Hague tribunal blames the ex-leader of Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic for 
the crimes against the humanity and believes the massacre in Srebrenitsa to be 
one of the most significant episodes. 

Yet, the supporters of this position often ignore the affairs that preceded 
those tragic events. In 1992, by the beginning of the war, Serbs accounted for 
more than a quarter of the town population. Yet, Muslim troops occupied the 
town killing Serbs and forcing the rest of them flee. 

In 1993, military initiative changed hands. Bosnian Serbs won back the villages 
next to Srebrenitsa and surrounded the town. The town, populated by then 
primarily by Muslims, was taken under the UN shelter. Muslim troops took 
advantage of it and kept attacking Serbian positions. This made Serbian leaders 
Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic make a decision to attack the town. 

In the West, the events in Srebrenitsa have been called the genocide of the 
Muslims for a long time. However, Serbia, remembering the event before the 
tragedy of 1995, did not think so. The local community demanded that the world 
aknowledges the crimes committed by Muslims against the Serbs. 

Pro-western President Boris Tadic who took office in 2004 came to Bosnia five 
years ago and criticized the actions of his compatriots. Muslim leaders of 
Bosnia and Herzegovina took advantage of the situation and demanded that Serbia 
compensates them for the genocide in Srebrenitsa. In 2007 the Hague tribunal 
accepted the fact but denied compensation. 

At the same time, Serbia did not accept any official document assessing those 
events. President Tadic spent several years trying to talk Skupshtina members 
into accepting a resolution criticizing genocide of Muslims in Srebrenitsa. A 
few days ago, the resolution was drafted. Yet, there was no unanimous vote, and 
the parliament was turmoiled. 

The draft resolution was introduced by Tadic’s supporters from the coalition 
“For a European Serbia” who represented the majority. The document did mention 
genocide. The authors indicated that the EU has been trying to get this 
condemnation for a long time. It is one of the stipulations if Serbia wants to 
join the EU and make peace with its Balkan neighbors

The partners of pro-presidential forces from the Socialist party once chaired 
by Slobodan Milosevic, who died in the Hague prison, were ready to support the 
document. The only significant condition was that the document could not 
contain the word “genocide.”They justified it with the fact that the biggest 
losses in the wars accompanying the collapse of Yugoslavia were incurred by the 

The leaders of pro-western Liberal-Democratic party, on the contrary, called 
for even sterner wording to brand the crimes, end with the shameful past and 
satisfy the demands of the EU. 

Nationalistic forces refused to vote for the resolution. Serbian radical party 
believes that all facts concerning Srebrenitsa were still not revealed. The 
party representatives believe that the international community has to recognize 
genocide of Serbs, Jews and gypsies committed during World War II by the Nazi 
accomplices, Croats and Muslims. 

As a result, there was a compromise. Parliamentarians acknowledged the crimes 
committed by their compatriots against Muslims. Yet, there was no mentioning of 
“genocide” in the document. Additionally, Skupshtina called the world community 
to acknowledge the crimes committed by Muslims and others against Serbs. 

Now it is up to the world community. As of now, the Hague Tribunal has not 
criticized any high ranking Muslim, Croat or Kosovo Albanian who gave orders to 
wipe out the Serbs. Before, the judges could say that Serbia does not 
officially recognize its crimes. Now this excuse is absolutely ungrounded. 

Vadim Trukhachev 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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