--become means "once on the node, actually become the root user, don't use sudo". Akin to running "su - " yourself. It's for scenarios where sudo is not configured for the ssh-user.

If you drop --become, then collect will use sudo for the commands requiring root privileges, and the `--nopasswd-sudo` option is used to skip the prompt for the sudo password.

On 5/18/21 9:23 AM, Adrian Moreno wrote:

I'm trying to run "sos collect" (4.1) to ssh into my node and gather the logs as

I'm doing so by running:

sos collect --become --ssh-user heat-admin --nopasswd-sudo --nodes ${NODE_IP}

But sos prompts me for the root password of user "head-admin" in the node:

sos-collector ASSUMES that SSH keys are installed on all nodes unless the
--password option is provided.

User heat-admin will attempt to become root. Provide root password:

Isn't "--nopasswd-sudo" supposed to mean "I don't need password to use sudo"
(which is my case)?

I'm sure I'm missing something, can someone help me out?


Jake Hunsaker
RHCA Cloud Specialist
Senior Software Engineer, CEE Engineering
Red Hat

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