On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 12:13:38AM +0100, Bernd Ernesti wrote:
 > > Log Message:
 > > Pull up the following revisions(s) (requested by bouyer in ticket #1317):
 > >    sys/dev/ic/ahcisata_core.c:     revision 1.23
 > > 
 > > Move ahci_channel_start() after BSY has cleared (do not touch SError while
 > > BSY is asserted). Fixes random behaviour of Intel ESB2 controller with some
 > > models of Hitachi drives (serial console corruption/misfunction, 
 > > misbehavior
 > > of USB controllers, crazy interrupts crashing the Xen hypervisor, etc.).
 > That was maybe not such a good idea to pull it up:
 > http://mail-index.netbsd.org/current-users/2010/03/01/msg012774.html
 > http://mail-index.netbsd.org/current-users/2010/03/04/msg012810.html

...so how does a sata patch break usb?

David A. Holland

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