On Apr 2,  1:22am, tsut...@ceres.dti.ne.jp (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/lib/libpthread

| > It depends on where we build 3rd party binaries. If we build on
| > the earliest branch there is no problem. But if we build in the
| > latest one there is. We should write the rules down, so that we
| > don't repeat the same problem on each release. Perhaps the best
| > solution is to add the missing function on all branches, but that
| > does not help those who did not upgrade.
| Can't we simply revert ticket #722 (pthread_condattr_setclock(3) addition)?
| Is that function really necessary for 6.1?

I think it is too late now.


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