I'm responding to the recent posts ITT, because it seems there's some

1) What has been committed is no more "offensive" than the existing material
in wtf and fortune. Please, review fortune's data files if any doubts exist;

2) wtf and fortune have existed in source since $TIME without any uproar;

3) There aren't any rules documenting appending entries to either;

4) We don't tend to make up rules as we go along committing;

5) Since #2 and #4 are ad antiquitam arguments, if $YOU feel wtf and fortune
are no longer representative of the project and have evidence thereof (some
sort of poll indicating the majority of developers/users are in agreement with
the sentiment), then just rm them and deal with whatever backlash! It's that

6) A vocal minority ($developers_itt / $total_developers - on either side) is
not the voice of the entire group. See #5. My actions are based on #1-3,
and are not intended to be disrespectful, incendiary, or whatever other
strawman label which has been attached;

7) Being a reasonable person and presented with convincing evidence that my
actions were incorrect, I'm open to changing them and have done so many times
since being part of this project. However, poorly-reasoned and emotional
arguments are not sufficient. I don't find demands and expectations based on
those arguments to be reasonable. See #6 as well;

8) Commits made by christos@ seem to be a good solution/compromise. It's what
is being done with fortune already, though I recognise that as another ad
antiquitam argument;

9) The slippery slope of a) whatever group that mitigates disputes among
developers deciding the outcome of a particular source commit or set of
commits to b) threats to someone's project membership being revoked by team
members who are not part of membership-exec@ paints a rather particular image
of our project works to the public;

10) Given #7, it would be a rather interesting value judgment in revoking the
membership of someone who's maintaining 400+ packages and doing a bit of work
in making pkgsrc work better across ${OPSYS}. Though, i do not profess to
understand our "values", apart from what's in the bylaws;

11) I like {,un}ordered lists!

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