Module Name:    src
Committed By:   apb
Date:           Tue Nov 13 10:57:49 UTC 2012

Update of /cvsroot/src/share/zoneinfo
In directory

Log Message:
Import tzdata2012j from

Changes from tzdata2012i to tzdata2012j:

  Libya moved to CET this weekend, but with DST planned next year.
  (Thanks to Even Scharning, Steffen Thorsen, and Tim Parenti.)

  Various fixes to documentation and commentary.


Vendor Tag:     ADO
Release Tags:   TZDATA2012J
U src/share/zoneinfo/antarctica
C src/share/zoneinfo/Makefile
U src/share/zoneinfo/africa
C src/share/zoneinfo/australasia
U src/share/zoneinfo/asia
U src/share/zoneinfo/northamerica
U src/share/zoneinfo/europe
U src/share/zoneinfo/
U src/share/zoneinfo/southamerica
U src/share/zoneinfo/pacificnew
U src/share/zoneinfo/etcetera
U src/share/zoneinfo/backward
U src/share/zoneinfo/systemv
U src/share/zoneinfo/factory
U src/share/zoneinfo/solar87
U src/share/zoneinfo/solar88
U src/share/zoneinfo/solar89
U src/share/zoneinfo/
U src/share/zoneinfo/
U src/share/zoneinfo/leapseconds

2 conflicts created by this import.
Use the following command to help the merge:

        cvs checkout -jADO:yesterday -jADO src/share/zoneinfo

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