CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2020/08/21 09:05:51

Modified files:
        regress/usr.sbin/rpki-client: Makefile test-cert.c 
Added files:
        regress/usr.sbin/rpki-client/tal: afrinic.tal 

Log message:
Fix rpki-client regress

The fix for the misuse of EVP_PKEY_cmp() (rpki-client/cert.c -r1.16)
came with an API change. ta_parse() will now throw an error if fed a
NULL pubkey. This in turn broke a regress test.

Fix this by parsing the pubkey out of the appropriate TAL to let ta_parse()
verify that it matches the pubkey in the first level certificate.

Discussed with tobhe, benno and claudio

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