CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2021/01/01 20:23:59

Modified files:
        sys/kern       : subr_pool.c 
        sys/sys        : pool.h 

Log message:
pool(9): remove ticks

Change the pool(9) timeouts to use the system uptime instead of ticks.

- Change the timeouts from variables to macros so we can use
SEC_TO_NSEC().  This means these timeouts are no longer patchable
via ddb(4).  dlg@ does not think this will be a problem, as the
timeout intervals have not changed in years.

- Use low-res time to keep things fast.  Add a local copy of
getnsecuptime() to subr_pool.c to keep the diff small.  We will need
to move getnsecuptime() into kern_tc.c and document it later if we
ever have other users elsewhere in the kernel.

- Rename ph_tick -> ph_timestamp and pr_cache_tick -> pr_cache_timestamp.

Prompted by tedu@ some time ago, but the effort stalled (may have been
my fault).  Input from kettenis@ and dlg@.

Special thanks to mpi@ for help with struct shuffling.  This change
does not increase the size of struct pool_page_header or struct pool.

ok dlg@ mpi@

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